Test 2

April 16, 2022


Array.prototype.clone = function () { return this.slice(0); }; $(document).ready(function () { Millionaire = (function () { function Millionaire() { this._questionArray = []; this._questionContent = []; this._answerArray = []; var questionList = getValueByKey('questionList') count = 0; for (;questionList.length > 0;) { rad = Math.floor(Math.random() * questionList.length) q = questionList[rad] this._questionContent.push(q.question) this._questionArray.push(q.answerA) this._questionArray.push(q.answerB) this._questionArray.push(q.answerC) this._questionArray.push(q.answerD) this._questionArray.push(q.answer) this._answerArray.push('box' + q.answer) questionList.splice(rad, 1) count++ if(count >= 15) { break; } } this._selectArray = []; this._color = '#3498db'; this._boardPage = 0; this.hide($('#next-question')); this.hide($('#restart-game')); this.hide($("#survey-region")); this._number5050 = 0; this._keep = 0; _this = this; } Millionaire.prototype.startGame = function () { this._use5050 = false; this._useSurvey = false; // this.hide($("#question-form")); // this.hide($("#button")); this.show($("#board-button")); this.show($('#each-question')); this.hide($("#submit-answer")); this.hide($('#next-question')); this.hide($("#restart-game")); this.hide($("#alert")); this._boardPage = 0; }; Millionaire.prototype.setMaxCharacter = function () { var maxABCD = 40; $("#a").attr('maxlength', maxABCD); $("#b").attr('maxlength', maxABCD); $("#c").attr('maxlength', maxABCD); $("#d").attr('maxlength', maxABCD); $("#inputQ").attr('maxlength', '255'); }; Millionaire.prototype.showBoard = function () { var index = this._boardPage * 5; this.show($("#withdraw-button")); this.showEditButton(); $("#question-number").html(this._boardPage + 1); $("#display-question").html(this._questionContent[this._boardPage]); $("#boxA").append("A" + this._questionArray[index]); $("#boxB").append("B" + this._questionArray[index + 1]); $("#boxC").append("C" + this._questionArray[index + 2]); $("#boxD").append("D" + this._questionArray[index + 3]); var answerID = "#" + _this._answerArray[this._boardPage]; $(answerID).attr('class', 'answerBox'); this.show($("#reward")); this.hide($("#survey-region")); this.show5050(); this.showSurvey(); }; Millionaire.prototype.restartGame = function () { this._boardPage = 0; $("#question-number").html(this._boardPage + 1); $("#display-question").html(this._questionContent[this._boardPage]); ($("#reward")).empty(); this.show($('#board-button')); this.hide($("#submit-answer")); this.hide($('#restart-game')); this.hide($('#next-question')); this.hide($('#alert')); this._use5050 = false; this._useSurvey = false; this._number5050 = 0; this.showBoard(); }; Millionaire.prototype.drawMap = function () { var countQuestion = this._answerArray.length; for (var i = 1; i <= countQuestion; i++) { if (i % 5 !== 0) { $("#reward").append("

" + i + "

") } else { $("#reward").append("

" + i + "

") } } }; Millionaire.prototype.changeStepColor = function () { var currentStep = this._boardPage + 1; for (var i = 1; i < currentStep; i++) { var id = "#" + i; $(id).css('background-color', '#2ecc71'); } currentStep = "#" + currentStep; $(currentStep).css('background-color', '#f39c12'); }; Millionaire.prototype.nextQ = function () { this._boardPage++; var step = this._boardPage + 1; this.hide($('#submit-answer')); this.hide($('#restart-game')); this.hide($('#next-question')); this.show($('#board-button')); this.hide($('#alert')); $("#question-number").html(this._boardPage + 1); if (step % 5 == 0) { $("#question-number").css("background-color", "yellow"); $("#display-question").css("color", "yellow"); } else { $("#question-number").css("background-color", "#ffffff"); $("#display-question").css("color", "#ffffff"); } $("#display-question").html(this._questionContent[this._boardPage]); }; Millionaire.prototype.validate = function () { if ($("#a").val() == "" || $("#b").val() == "" || $("#c").val() == "" || $("#d").val() == "" || $("#input-letter").val() == "" || $("#inputQ").val() == "" ) { if (alert("Please fill all blanks before save and continue, Press Create Game to skip this question")); return false } return true; }; Millionaire.prototype.updateValue = function () { // var index = (this._boardPage) * 5; // _this._questionContent[this._boardPage] = $("#inputQ").val().charAt(0).toUpperCase() + $("#inputQ").val().slice(1); // _this._answerArray[this._boardPage] = "box" + $("#input-letter").val(); // this._questionArray[index] = $("#a").val().charAt(0).toUpperCase() + $("#a").val().slice(1); // this._questionArray[index + 1] = $("#b").val().charAt(0).toUpperCase() + $("#b").val().slice(1); // this._questionArray[index + 2] = $("#c").val().charAt(0).toUpperCase() + $("#c").val().slice(1); // this._questionArray[index + 3] = $("#d").val().charAt(0).toUpperCase() + $("#d").val().slice(1); // this._questionArray[index + 4] = $("#input-letter").val(); }; Millionaire.prototype.showForm = function () { var index = (this._boardPage) * 5; // this.show($("#question-form")); // this.show($("#button")); // this.hide($('#each-question')); // this.hide($('#survey-region')); $("#inputQ").val(_this._questionContent[this._boardPage]); $("#a").val(this._questionArray[index]); $("#b").val(this._questionArray[index + 1]); $("#c").val(this._questionArray[index + 2]); $("#d").val(this._questionArray[index + 3]); if (_this._questionArray[index + 4]) { $("#input-letter").val(_this._questionArray[index + 4]); } else { $("#input-letter").val("A"); } if (this._boardPage === 0) { document.getElementById("prev-button").disabled = true; } else { document.getElementById("prev-button").disabled = false; } if (this._boardPage === 14) { document.getElementById("next-button").disabled = true; } else { document.getElementById("next-button").disabled = false; } ($("#reward")).empty(); }; Millionaire.prototype.hide = function (elementDom) { this._elementDom = elementDom; this._elementDom.css('display', 'none'); }; Millionaire.prototype.show = function (elementDom) { this._elementDom = elementDom; this._elementDom.css('display', 'block'); }; Millionaire.prototype.resetForm = function () { var index = (this._boardPage) * 5; $("#inputQ").val(_this._questionContent[this._page - 1]); $("#a").val(this._questionArray[index]); $("#b").val(this._questionArray[index + 1]); $("#c").val(this._questionArray[index + 2]); $("#d").val(this._questionArray[index + 3]); $("#input-letter").val(this._questionArray[index + 4]); }; Millionaire.prototype.showCreateButton = function () { this.show($("#create-game-button")); this.hide($("#edit-button")); }; Millionaire.prototype.showEditButton = function () { this.hide($("#create-game-button")); this.show($("#edit-button")); }; Millionaire.prototype.changeSubmitAnswerButton = function () { !this.checkResult(this._boardPage) ? this.show($("#restart-game")) : this.show($("#next-question")); }; Millionaire.prototype.withdraw = function () { this.show($('#alert')); this.hide($("#submit-answer")); this.hide($("#withdraw-button")); this.show($("#restart-game")); var message = "You've already withdraw and keep the reward for Question " + this._boardPage; $("#alert").attr("class", "alert alert-info"); $("#alert").html(message); }; Millionaire.prototype.resetBoardStatus = function () { $("#boxA").css('background-color', '#3498db'); $("#boxB").css('background-color', '#3498db'); $("#boxC").css('background-color', '#3498db'); $("#boxD").css('background-color', '#3498db'); $("#boxA").empty(); $("#boxB").empty(); $("#boxC").empty(); $("#boxD").empty(); $("#chartA").empty(); $("#chartB").empty(); $("#chartC").empty(); $("#chartD").empty(); $('.answerBox').css('pointer-events', 'auto'); $('.boxWrong').css('pointer-events', 'auto'); $('#sellector').css('pointer-events', 'auto'); $('.box').css('pointer-events', 'auto'); $('.answerBox').attr('class', 'box'); $('.boxWrong').attr('class', 'box'); this._color = '#3498db'; clearInterval(this._interval); this._number5050 = 0; }; Millionaire.prototype.selectBox = function (boxID) { var id = "#" + boxID; if (boxID == "boxA" || boxID == "boxB" || boxID == "boxC" || boxID == "boxD") { $("#boxA").css('background-color', '#3498db'); $("#boxB").css('background-color', '#3498db'); $("#boxC").css('background-color', '#3498db'); $("#boxD").css('background-color', '#3498db'); $(id).css('background-color', '#f1c40f'); this.show($('#submit-answer')); this._selectArray[this._boardPage] = boxID; } }; Millionaire.prototype.nextPage = function () { this._boardPage++; var page = this._boardPage + 1; $("#number").html("Question " + page); }; Millionaire.prototype.prevPage = function () { this._boardPage--; var page = this._boardPage + 1; $("#number").html("Question " + page); }; Millionaire.prototype.checkResult = function (number) { if (this._answerArray[number] === this._selectArray[number]) { return true; } else { return false } }; Millionaire.prototype.nextOrStop = function () { var page = this._boardPage; if (this.checkResult(this._boardPage)) { console.log(page); console.log(_this._answerArray.length); $("#alert").attr("class", "alert alert-success"); $("#alert").html("Chúc mừng bạn! Bạn trả lời chính xác câu hỏi."); _this._color = '#f1c40f'; if (page + 1 == _this._answerArray.length) { $("#alert").attr("class", "alert alert-success"); $("#alert").html("Chúc mừng bạn! Bạn đã vượt qua " + _this._answerArray.length + " câu hỏi chương trình AI LÀ TRIỆU PHÚ"); this.show($('#restart-game')); this.hide($('#next-question')); } } else { var message = ""; $("#alert").attr("class", "alert alert-danger"); if (page >= 10) { message = "Hummm, Phần thưởng là 10 câu hỏi" } else if (page >= 5) { message = "Hú hồn, Trả lời được 5 câu hỏi" } else { message = "Tèo rồi, không có tiền mang về :( :(" } $("#alert").html(message); } this.hide($("#submit-answer")) }; Millionaire.prototype.congrats = function () { this._interval = setInterval(function () { if (_this._hover) { $('.answerBox').css('background-color', '#2ecc71'); $('.answerBox').css('pointer-events', 'none'); $('#sellector').css('pointer-events', 'none'); $('.box').css('pointer-events', 'none'); } else { $('.answerBox').css('background-color', _this._color); $('.answerBox').css('pointer-events', 'none'); $('#sellector').css('pointer-events', 'none'); $('.box').css('pointer-events', 'none'); } _this._hover = !_this._hover; }, 150); }; Millionaire.prototype.random = function (min, max) { this._use5050 = true; return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min; }; Millionaire.prototype.NumberBoxNameChanger = function (value) { if (value == "boxA") { return 1; } else if (value == "boxB") { return 2; } else if (value == "boxC") { return 3; } else if (value == "boxD") { return 4; } else if (value == 1) { return "boxA" } else if (value == 2) { return "boxB" } else if (value == 3) { return "boxC" } else { return "boxD" } }; Millionaire.prototype.clearWrong = function (boxName1, boxName2) { boxName1 = "#" + boxName1; boxName2 = "#" + boxName2; $(boxName1).attr('class', 'boxWrong'); $(boxName2).attr('class', 'boxWrong'); $(boxName1).css('pointer-events', 'none'); $(boxName2).css('pointer-events', 'none'); $(boxName1).css('background-color', '#3498db'); $(boxName2).css('background-color', '#3498db'); }; Millionaire.prototype.boxWrong = function (boxName, random1, random2) { var boxID = this.NumberBoxNameChanger(boxName); if (random1 == random2) { if (random1 !== 1) { random1-- } else { random1++ } } var number1 = (boxID + random1) % 4; if (number1 == 0)(number1 = 4); var number2 = (boxID + random2) % 4; if (number2 == 0)(number2 = 4); var boxWrong1 = this.NumberBoxNameChanger(number1); var boxWrong2 = this.NumberBoxNameChanger(number2); for (var i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { if (i !== number1 && i !== number2 && i !== boxID) _this._keep = i; } this.clearWrong(boxWrong1, boxWrong2); }; Millionaire.prototype.help5050 = function () { var answerBox = this._answerArray[this._boardPage]; var random1 = this.random(1, 3); var random2 = this.random(1, 3); this.boxWrong(answerBox, random1, random2); this._use5050 = true; this._number5050 = this._boardPage + 1; console.log(_this._keep); console.log(answerBox); }; Millionaire.prototype.show5050 = function () { if (!this._use5050) { this.show($("#help5050-button")) } else { this.hide($("#help5050-button")) } }; Millionaire.prototype.showSurvey = function () { if (!this._useSurvey) { this.show($("#helpSurvey-button")) } else { this.hide($("#helpSurvey-button")) } }; Millionaire.prototype.helpSurvey = function () { var answerBox = this._answerArray[this._boardPage]; var sum = 76; var value1 = this.random(0, sum); var value2 = this.random(0, sum - value1); var value3 = this.random(0, sum - value1 - value2); var value4 = sum - value1 - value2 - value3; var valueA = this.random(1, 4); var valueB = 0; var valueC = 0; var valueD = 0; if (valueA === 1) { valueA = value1; valueB = value2; valueC = value3; valueD = value4; } else if (valueA === 2) { valueA = value2; valueB = value3; valueC = value4; valueD = value1; } else if (valueA === 3) { valueA = value3; valueB = value4; valueC = value1; valueD = value2; } else { valueA = value4; valueB = value1; valueC = value2; valueD = value3; } if (answerBox === "boxA") { valueA = valueA + 24; } else if (answerBox === "boxB") { valueB = valueB + 24; } else if (answerBox === "boxC") { valueC = valueC + 24; } else { valueD = valueD + 24; } if (this._number5050 == this._boardPage + 1) { var sumRemove = 0; if (_this._keep !== 1 || answerBox !== "boxA") { sumRemove += valueA; valueA = 0; } if (_this._keep !== 2 && answerBox !== "boxB") { sumRemove += valueB; valueB = 0; } if (_this._keep !== 3 && answerBox !== "boxC") { sumRemove += valueC; valueC = 0; } if (_this._keep !== 4 && answerBox !== "boxD") { sumRemove += valueD; valueD = 0; } if (answerBox === "boxA") { valueA = valueA + sumRemove; } else if (answerBox === "boxB") { valueB = valueB + sumRemove; } else if (answerBox === "boxC") { valueC = valueC + sumRemove; } else { valueD = valueD + sumRemove; } } this.drawChart(valueA, valueB, valueC, valueD); this._useSurvey = true; }; Millionaire.prototype.drawChart = function (valueA, valueB, valueC, valueD) { this.hide($("#reward")); this.show($("#survey-region")); var i = 0; $("#chartA").append("A"); $("#chartB").append("B"); $("#chartC").append("C"); $("#chartD").append("D"); for (i = 1; i <= valueA; i++) { setTimeout(function () { $("#chartA").append("") }, 100) } for (i = 1; i <= valueB; i++) { setTimeout(function () { $("#chartB").append("") }, 100) } for (i = 1; i <= valueC; i++) { setTimeout(function () { $("#chartC").append("") }, 100) } for (i = 1; i <= valueD; i++) { setTimeout(function () { $("#chartD").append("") }, 100) } setTimeout(function () { $("#chartA").append(" " + valueA + "%") }, 900); setTimeout(function () { $("#chartB").append(" " + valueB + "%") }, 900); setTimeout(function () { $("#chartC").append(" " + valueC + "%") }, 900); setTimeout(function () { $("#chartD").append(" " + valueD + "%") }, 900) }; Millionaire.prototype.constructor = Millionaire; return Millionaire; })(); $("#sellector").click(function (e) { var Millionaire = window.Millionaire; if (e.target.id !== "characterBox" && e.target.id !== "sellector") { _this.targetID = e.target.id; Millionaire.selectBox(_this.targetID); } }); $("#help5050-button").click(function (e) { var Millionaire = window.Millionaire; Millionaire.help5050(); Millionaire.show5050(); }); $("#helpSurvey-button").click(function (e) { var Millionaire = window.Millionaire; Millionaire.helpSurvey(); Millionaire.showSurvey(); }); $("#next-question").click(function (e) { var Millionaire = window.Millionaire; Millionaire.resetBoardStatus(); Millionaire.nextQ(); Millionaire.showBoard(); Millionaire.changeStepColor(); }); $("#reset-button").click(function () { var Millionaire = window.Millionaire; Millionaire.resetForm(); }); $("#restart-game").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var Millionaire = window.Millionaire; Millionaire.resetBoardStatus(); Millionaire.restartGame(); Millionaire.drawMap(); Millionaire.changeStepColor(); }); $("#create-game-button").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var Millionaire = window.Millionaire; if (Millionaire.validate()) { Millionaire.resetBoardStatus(); Millionaire.updateValue(); Millionaire.startGame(); Millionaire.showBoard(); Millionaire.drawMap(); Millionaire.changeStepColor(); } }); $("#edit-button").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var Millionaire = window.Millionaire; Millionaire.showForm(); Millionaire.showCreateButton(); }); $("#submit-answer").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var Millionaire = window.Millionaire; Millionaire.changeSubmitAnswerButton(); Millionaire.nextOrStop(); Millionaire.congrats(); Millionaire.hide($('#board-button')); Millionaire.show($('#alert')); }); $("#withdraw-button").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var Millionaire = window.Millionaire; Millionaire.congrats(); Millionaire.withdraw(); Millionaire.show5050(); Millionaire.showSurvey(); }); var Millionaire = new Millionaire(); window.Millionaire = Millionaire; // Millionaire.show($('#question-form')); // Millionaire.hide($('#each-question')); // Millionaire.hide($('#edit-button')); Millionaire.setMaxCharacter(); // document.getElementById("prev-button").disabled = true; $("#create-game-button").click() });